Past Events

Bettering Our Community

American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons Traveling Fellows Program


In 2024, BRIO/TSAOG was honored to be selected as one of the host sites for the prestigious American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons Traveling Fellows program. This year, we welcomed three talented fellows—two from Japan and one from Australia.

During their visit, the fellows participated in two Bioskills labs focused on advanced shoulder and elbow procedures, gaining hands-on experience with the latest techniques. They also had the opportunity to observe a range of complex surgeries, enhancing their knowledge and refining their skills in both shoulder and elbow surgery.

Additionally, a two-hour orthopedic seminar was organized for the fellows, bringing together 20 local surgeons. The seminar featured presentations on challenging shoulder and elbow surgical cases, shoulder arthroplasty, and instability management, with each fellow sharing insights from their own perspectives and experiences.

AHA Annual Heart Walk

November 9th, 2024

BRIO proudly supported the 2024 Annual Heart Walk organized by the American Heart Association. In this role, BRIO collaborated with local community organizations and educational institutions to recruit volunteers for the event. Thanks to these efforts, BRIO successfully mobilized a strong volunteer force. A total of 2,000 community members signing up to participate in the Heart Walk.

Diabetes Walk

October 26th, 2024

BRIO proudly supported the 2024 Annual Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes, hosted by the American Diabetes Association. BRIO played a key role in engaging local community organizations and educational institutions to recruit volunteers for the event. Thanks to these efforts, BRIO not only secured a dedicated team of volunteers but also provided a DJ to add energy and excitement to the day. In total, 350 community members registered to participate in the walk.

Cast High School Medical Camp Day

March 6th, 2024

BRIO hosted 37 students for Medical Camp Day at the Ridgewood Orthopedic Building.  The medical camp was designed to allow seniors in high school to view the different sections in our organization. Students went to different stations in physical therapy, medical assistant, surgical tech, MRI, X-ray, NP/PA provider, nursing and administration.  After the tour, some students were able to make decisions on the future of their career based on what they saw.  Students had many questions after the tour so we provided them with lunch and a feedback session to answer their questions.

Cast Med High HEB Camp

February 28 – March 1, 2024

BRIO provided Wilderness Medical Training to 140 students at the HEB Foundation Camp in Leakey, Texas.  Students from grades 09-11 gathered to get medical training on injuries in the wilderness.  Topics discussed were shock, bleeding, snakebites, hypo/hyperthermia, splinting and moving injured patients.  During downtimes, BRIO provided support preparing meals, chaperoning and cleaning.  The event lasted three days and students enjoyed the lessons learned.

Boys and Girls Club Flag Football Event

February 10th, 2024

BRIO supported the annual flag football tournament for Big Brothers & Big Sisters of San Antonio.  BRIO provided medical coverage for 200 littles and their big brothers and sisters.  The event was a huge success and was highlighted on KENS 5 television.

Kirby Senior Center

December 14th, 2023

BRIO organized an educational session and exercise class for a group of 25 seniors. Two therapists and two therapy technicians from TSAOG attended to assist seniors with posture and mobility concerns. They led a 30-minute exercise session aimed at helping seniors rise from a seated position and improving range of motion in various parts of their bodies.

Senior Citizen Health Fair

October 10th, 2023

This event is designed for seniors to gather insights on numerous topics, including assisted living, medical benefits, and education. BRIO offered valuable information on the advantages of chiropractic care, exercise, and managing arthritis. A physician and two therapists from TSAOG were on hand to assist more than 200 seniors who participated.